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Dominant directionality could be related to the underlying connectivity profile that serves the intra- and intercortical information transfer . The computational implication of horizontal connections could point to a preset preferred path for information processing within a given functional domain of the neocortex (60⇓–62). That such a directional path is “functionally” preserved in sleep could be further evidence that corticothalamic UP states replay fragments of wakefulness . The fast oscillations dynamics that we found here are consistent with such reactivation. Oscillatory rhythms could coexist, manifest state-dependent variability, and act as cell assembly organizers . These not mutually exclusive roles of oscillations relate rhythms to the general notion of plasticity and memory consolidation during sleep (9, 39⇓–41).

In adults, Stage Four lasts about 35 to 40 minutes during the first sleep cycle of the night; it accounts for 15 to 20 percent of total sleep time in young adults. The muscles still have their tonus, and some movements of the arms, legs and trunk are possible. This is the stage of sleep that accomplishes most of the body’s repair work and from which it is most difficult to wake someone up.

The cells are ordered by their discharge probability during γ- or β-oscillation (20-ms bin size). A large proportion of FS cells show an increased firing rate during γ and β. In these raster plots, each row is the spiking of the example cell in one (γ or β) oscillatory epoch. The corresponding average firing pattern for each example cell (FS1, RS2, etc.) is indicated along the right edge of the heat maps. Binaural beats between 1 and 30 Hz are alleged to create the same brainwave pattern that one would experience during meditation.

This is usually due to fluid retention during the day that often accumulated in the feet or legs. Once you lie down to sleep, gravity no longer holds the fluid in your legs. It can re-enter your veins and be filtered by your kidneys, producing urine.

This suggests a requirement for Ih not only in LNvs but also in other neuronal types for the rhythmic organization of locomotor activity under free running conditions. Another possibility, which does not exclude the one proposed, is that null Ih mutations simply produce more robust phenotypes than the RNAi mediated knock-down, which are normally not 100% efficient. All genetic manipulations did not, in any case, produce changes in Relaxing Music free running period . To assess whether Ih is important for circadian function also under entrained conditions, we analyzed morning and evening anticipatory behavior.

The intensive day of practice investigated here induced a further measurable increase in gamma power that was found in the third sleep cycle following the meditation sessions. This change occurred in a parietal region overlapping the one found significant at baseline . Our results point to a different involvement of prefrontal-parietal low-frequency EEG activity and parietal-occipital gamma power in mediating the acute and long-lasting effects of meditation on sleep EEG activity respectively.

However, differences in PPG features diminished in female patients and were not as clearly distinguishable. Stepwise regression analysis revealed that higher APF and t90% are associated with a higher number of lapses in PVT. These results imply that increased APF together with more severe nocturnal hypoxaemia may provide a PSG marker for impaired vigilance in male OSA patients. In addition, findings are in line with previous studies, indicating that female sex and older age are independent risk factors for poor PVT performance. Average NREM sleep scalp topographies across cycles in control participants at the time points corresponding to baseline and meditation sessions for practitioners.

The cumulative distribution function of APF in the peak-frequency curve was computed from median spectrograms together with 95% confidence intervals via Kaplan–Meier estimates. Statistical difference of cumulative distribution functions between Q1 and Q4 was computed using a two-sided Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. The model was adjusted for sex, age, body mass index, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease , hypertension, depression, smoking status and subjective sleepiness assessed with the Epworth Sleepiness Scale . Sleep stage distributions and parameters describing OSA severity were investigated by inputting them to regression models separately.

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